Compound (aka Split Complementary) Color Scheme

Color is more than just what we see with our eyes. It can tell stories, create feelings, and set the mood in a picture or design. One color scheme that does this very well is called the Compound Color Scheme, which is also known as the Aka Split Complementary Scheme. This scheme helps make pictures more vibrant and interesting by using a mix of three different colors.

What Is the Compound (aka split complementary) Color Scheme?

The Compound (aka split complementary) Color Scheme is a special way of using colors. It’s similar to the complementary color scheme, where two colors directly opposite each other on the color wheel are paired. However, the Compound Color Scheme goes a bit further. It doesn’t just use two colors; it adds two more that are next to one of the original opposites. This creates a triangle on the color wheel, bringing more variety and depth to the color mix.

Here’s a simple breakdown:


Base Color: This is the main color you start with. It can be a primary color (like red, blue, or yellow) or a secondary color (like green, orange, or purple).


Complementary Colors: These are two colors that are directly opposite the base color on the color wheel. They provide a strong contrast, making the base color stand out.


Additional Colors: These are the two colors that sit next to one of the complementary colors. They add more depth and richness to the overall look.

Compound – aka Split Complementary Color Scheme – Explanation

The Beauty of Contrast

The Compound Color Scheme is special because it balances harmony and contrast. Harmony happens when the colors work well together and look pleasing to the eye. Contrast happens when the colors are different enough to make each other stand out. This scheme uses both ideas to create something visually exciting and interesting to look at. When you use complementary colors, the strong contrast grabs attention. The additional colors, on the other hand, add layers and complexity. This makes the overall design more engaging and keeps the viewer’s eyes moving across the picture.

Compound – aka Split Complementary Color Scheme – The Beauty of Contrast

Example: Painting a Sunset

Let’s take a sunset as an example to understand how the Compound Color Scheme works in real life.

1. Base Color: Orange

Imagine the sun setting on the horizon. The sky glows with a warm, bright orange. This orange is our base color, setting the mood for the scene.

2. Complementary Colors: Blue and Green

As the sun goes down, the sky begins to show cool colors like blue and green. These colors are opposite orange on the color wheel. They create a strong contrast that reflects the calmness of evening against the warmth of the sunset.

Compound – aka Split Complementary Color Scheme – Example Color Palettes

3. Additional Colors: Yellow and Red

To make the scene even richer, we add yellow and red. These colors are next to the orange on the color wheel, and they represent the fading light of the sun. They blend with the orange, adding warmth and a sense of depth to the scene.


When these colors come together on the canvas, they create a balanced and beautiful picture of a sunset. The orange, blue, and green give it contrast, while the yellow and red add harmony, making the scene come alive.

Compound – aka Split Complementary Color Scheme – An image reflecting compound (aka split complementary) color scheme

Conclusion: Using the Power of Color Harmony

The Compound Color Scheme is a powerful tool in both art and design. It’s a way to create something that is not only beautiful but also emotionally moving. By mixing contrast and harmony, you can make your work more vibrant and engaging. Whether you’re painting a picture, decorating a room, or designing a logo, this color scheme can help you achieve stunning results.


Remember, when you understand how colors work together, you can create endless possibilities. The balance of harmony and contrast in the Compound Color Scheme can lead to truly magical outcomes in any creative project.

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