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Five Transformative Books You Must Read

We all have our reasons and excuses for not reading. Some might say, “I don’t like reading,” while others might think, “Books cost too much,” or “I don’t know what to read.” Many feel, “I can’t find time to read.”


First, it’s important to know that reading can be very enjoyable if you find a book you like. If you’re stuck with a boring or difficult book, reading feels like a chore. If this happens for a few days, set the book aside and find one that truly interests you.

To make reading a regular habit, here are some simple tips:

Watch Less TV and Spend Less Time on the Internet: These activities can take up a lot of your time. By cutting back a bit, you’ll find more time for reading.


Set Aside Specific Times for Reading: Decide on a time each day when you will read, even if it’s just for 15-30 minutes.


Always Carry a Book with You: Keep a book in your bag or on your phone as an e-book. This way, you can read whenever you have a few spare minutes.


Find a Quiet Place to Read: A quiet environment helps you focus better on the book.


Read to Your Kids: Sharing stories with your children can be a great way to enjoy reading together.


Set a Regular Reading Hour or Day: Dedicate a specific hour or a day in the week just for reading.


Visit the Library Regularly: Libraries have a wide range of books you can borrow for free. Make it a habit to visit often.


Pick Fun and Interesting Books: Choose books that captivate you and keep you interested.


Start a Blog About Your Reading Experiences: Writing about what you read can make reading more engaging and fun.

Apart from traditional books, there are modern alternatives like e-readers and audiobooks. Audiobooks are especially handy because you can listen to them while doing other tasks, like driving or exercising.


Here are five great books you might enjoy:

1. "Shoe Dog" - by Phil Knight, the founder of "NIKE"

This memoir tells the story of how Phil Knight started Nike. Despite many challenges and people doubting him, he kept pushing forward. The book shows that you don’t need to know everything to start something; you just need passion and determination.

2. "The Winner’s Brain" by Jeff Brown and Mark Penske

This book talks about eight strategies that successful minds use. One interesting study mentioned in the book shows that cab drivers who use their memory instead of GPS have a larger hippocampus, the brain area responsible for memory. Another study found that musicians’ brains are fully activated when they are performing in a state of flow.

3. "Insight" by Tasha Eurich

This book helps you become more self-aware. It explores questions like “Who are we?” and “How do others see us?”. One useful tip from the book is to replace “Why?” with “What?” in our questions. For example, instead of asking, “Why do I feel bad?” ask, “What makes me feel bad and what can I do about it?”

4. "Range" by David Epstein

This book explains that many successful people didn’t know their career path early on. They tried different things before finding their passion. For instance, Roger Federer played many sports before focusing on tennis. The book suggests exploring various activities to discover what you truly enjoy.

5. "The Rudest Book Ever" by Shwetabh Gangwar

This book is a blunt and straightforward guide that helps you discover your own identity amidst life’s chaos. It will make you laugh and reflect on your inner thoughts simultaneously. One section I particularly appreciate discusses handling rejection. Shwetabh explains that people generally have one of three reactions to rejection:

  1. They feel like a loser.
  2. They feel determined to excel and prove their worth.
  3. They become negative, viewing the world and everyone in it as bad.

Shwetabh argues that all three reactions are harmful and suggests a very interesting and unique way to respond to rejection in this book.

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